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Hey hey hey!!!!! Ok, so let me break it down real fast…..I have a love/hate relationship with this incredibly beautiful life of mine. Come to think of it, don’t we all? 


Now, why this blog?


‘The diary of unsaid words’ came about during one of the most important trials in my life (and still ongoing). A perfect meaning to the phrase - Hell broke loose, and I mean quite literally. While I won’t dwell on that topic, let us conclude, it has been quite a journey (BUT, it will get better). 


This blog is inspired by all those thousand words I wish I had said, not to just this one person but all the others who changed my life around for better or worse. As I move ahead in my life, I carry each of them within me, their thoughts, experiences, and love.

A never-ending poem of such unsaid words weaved together. Sometimes beautiful, and other times a tad bit not. It is all the words I wish I said out loud.


And so here I welcome you to my chaotic yet beautiful world (I promise that).


Sending you all SO MUCH LOVE!


OH WAIT Since this is the 'about me' page it feels incomplete without giving a little background about my familia' and well, a little (A LITTLE) about me. 


I have had a blessed childhood filled with a whole LOTTA LOVE. What more could a child from the ‘90’s ask? I was born in the one and only God’s own country (for those who don’t know, God’s own country translates to Kerala) before moving to Dubai (soon after I believe – still unsure about this part of my story). Let us just say Dubai has been home ever since. This country has made me into who I am, though of late, it has been giving me a lot more troubles, nonetheless, home it is. Always!


Now, here's a quick breakdown of the OGs of the family! Momsie -  the connecter, the ambivert, has shown me what dedication and commitment to anything you set your mind to look like. MY POPSIE..he can be a man of few words and GREAT dad jokes..but through his actions and calm nature, he has taught us what it means to be a kind-hearted person. My younger brother, or Kanna as I call him (with whom I used to have WWE matches growing up 🙄 don't ask!) I'm so lucky to have him in my life, I always admired him (still do), and honestly, most times, he seems the wiser one between the two of us (like WHY though... pfft...). 

Last but not least, of course, my friends... without whom I would not have survived half of my battles (and trust me I would have given up loooonnnggg back had it not been for these angels).

With love and gratitude,



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