I wonder what is the definition of love.
How do I know I love someone.
Is it when you always feel like talking to them?
or when you share your darkest secret?
Is it when you simply hope they stay?
or when you miss their presence?
All I know for sure is that it was a beautiful feeling, sometimes hurtful.
Then along you came.
Your deep brown eyes spoke a thousand words more than you ever did.
You tasted like morning sunrise and mimosas,
a sweet touch to my ever thirsty lips
We shared our deepest secrets in a matter of seconds
You 'are' my knight in shining armor to my ever so Bollywood life
Unaware that this might end all very soon
You defined my peace.
It was us
it was this possibility of you asleep breathing in the silent air.
it did end.
What is my definition of love you ask?
For me, it starts with you.
Image from google.com